The International Association of Player-Piano, Roll-Playing and Automatic Instrument Enthusiasts
(pronounced "Am-ih-cah") the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors'
Association is an educational
non-profit organization with worldwide
appreciation of historic automatic musical
AMICA provides a lively forum for the sharing of the many aspects of our hobby
an Automatic Musical Instrument … a player-piano?
Yes, that's a start - but there's much
more ...
members' interests vary widely, from collecting instruments and rolls and related
items, from fascination with the mechanisms, to interest in the history and the
technicians and the artists, to just plain listening to the music of these
amazing instruments.
A collection isn't necessary to belong!
AMICA was founded in San Francisco in 1963. Its goal has always been to introduce people from all walks of life to the beauty and value of automatic musical instruments. AMICA has prevented the destruction of many fine rare instruments that have been restored to their former glory. Not only that, but AMICA has placed many instruments in places where the general public can see, hear and enjoy these glorious instruments from the past.
Here are some of the things "AMICAns" do:
WE SHARE INFORMATION: The AMICA Bulletin is published regularly and offers articles, technical and historic information, biographical sketches, international and chapter news, as well as advertisements of interest to all collectors of automatic musical instruments. |
WE MEET COLLECTORS: The Membership Directory lists fellow members and their collecting interests (available to members only). Local Chapters form a network around the world. These chapters meet regularly to socialize and share common interests in automated mechanical musical instruments. |
WE HOST CONVENTIONS: Annual Conventions are sponsored by local chapters to highlight their local regions and instrument collections. This meeting gives members the chance to enjoy collections, meet and see interesting people, places and things, and they allow AMICAns to make friends with collectors from the world over. Conventions are run by enthusiastic chapter members who share an interest in all aspects of automatic musical instrument collecting. Informative workshops are presented as well as marts where members can buy and sell rolls and other items related to automatic musical instruments. |
Join AMICA Membership Benefits: |
our Current Bulletin |
Encyclopedia of American Coin-Operated Pianos
Encyclopedia of America Organettes
Focus on AMICA Chapters Besides AMICA membership generally, there are local chapters throughout the United States that you can also join. Chapters meet a few times or more per year. Meetings take place in member's homes, local venues of interest, and virtually. There's a small additional chapter membership fee per household to help fund meetings. If you have a passion for automated musical instruments, whether you own any or not, and are interested in joining a local chapter, you're encouraged to contact the Chapter Officers in your area to find out when/where their next meeting will be: you can usually attend as a guest first too, to see what it's like! You will meet other friendly people who share a common interest in automatic musical instruments! Before joining a local Chapter, you must first be a member of AMICA International. Visit our Membership page for more information on joining! |
AMICA International |
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